So its been just over a month since I asked the question “Can Twitter Be for Business” and I think I can safely say – yes it can be used for business!
Since starting to make use of it I have talked to a lot of people (only virtually obviously) that I wouldn’t have previously met from all corners of the world. I have been asked to quote on a number of design projects that potentially I wouldn’t have even heard anything about if I hadn’t been using Twitter.
I have also had alot of useful websites and information brought to my attention that otherwise might not have.
So what have I been using Twitter for?
I have found the following uses for the microblogging site:
• Giving the Dot Design brand more online exposure.
• Notifying Dot Design ‘Followers’ when I have a new post on my blog and briefly what it is about, bringing more people interested in graphic design to my site and blog.
• Telling those that are following Dot Design about what I’m currently working on.
• I’ve used it to brainstorm with other designers on word usage for a new project
• Receiving “Tweets” from those that I’m following about anything from interesting websites to marketing ideas, new applications, design news and more depending on their area of expertise.
• Dot Design was profiled by Rebecca Caroe at creative agency secrets thanks Rebecca!
• Discovered Illustrator Kim White via Twitter
• Receiving recommendations for alsorts of things.
• Answering questions, design related or other.
• Asking questions, design related or other.
I have been using ‘Twirl’ as a desktop client so I can keep an eye on whats happening rather than having to keep logging into the Twitter website and I’d recommend it to anyone using Twitter.
I’d be interested to know about other peoples experiences of Twitter and how they have used it to promote their business.
If you’d like to know more about how Twitter can be used these following articles should be of help to you:
Business on Twitter
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