Reasons Why Poor Graphic Design Is Bad For Your SEO

SEO and web design go hand in hand in a digital marketing strategy. When the website has a bad graphic design, it can quickly drive away visitors as soon as they open your page. SEO helps your page to rank higher on search engines. However, when your bounce rate is high, it will affect your […]
This made me smile today…
New Andy Murray logo design
I rather like the new logo design for Andy Murray created by Aesop. It features ‘A’ and ‘M’ (his initials) and also the number 77, which signifies him being the first British man in 77 years to win Wimbledon. Admittedly I’m not sure I would have picked up on the ’77’ but now I know it adds even […]
How design changes the way investors see your startup
A few weeks ago during a moment of self-reflection, I noticed a recurring theme throughout the top deals in our pipeline and became suddenly aware of my tendency to value startups with well-formed … Source: Goes to show the impact good design has on us all. We do all really ‘judge a book by […]