It’s that time of the year again when marketers and brand managers try to predict the trends for the coming 12 months.
Creativebloq outlines it’s ‘5 big branding trends for 2015’ which mainly indicate a more human and ‘real’ approach that the bigger brands may be beginning to adopt more readily.
In addition to the 5 trends outlined, I’d make an addition and that’s Personalisation, this aspect can only increase. Personalisation is designed to bring the customer closer to the brand, to make them feel more part of it, as if they can shape it. Examples of this can be seen with Coca-Cola’s 2014 share-a-coke campaign.

The campaign tapped into consumer ego and brought those that already love the brand closer, they felt like they owned a part of it, or just enjoyed the novelty. This said the campaign was a huge success with the numbers speaking for themselves, 998 million impressions on Twitter alone…

Another would be Transparency. In an effort to be even more transparent brands will undoubtedly and accidentally reveal their flaws and make more mistakes (as discussed in 5 big branding trends for 2015 ) but it’s in their recovery that they can shine and show that they are only ‘human’. Mistakes if recovered from quickly and honestly can really connect with customers.