How to Incorporate Voice Search into your Website

How to Incorporate Voice Search into your Website

How to Incorporate Voice Search into your Website

In this technologically advanced world, consumers find ways to improve their convenience in the way they search for information on sites. Siri, Google Home, Alexa, and other voice-activated assistants are famous examples that use voice technology, and voice commands are becoming as natural as typing a question on your smartphone. 
Its popularity is also changing the business landscape as 40% of consumers depend on voice search daily, which means that your site must be voice search ready if you want to gain a competitive edge. It also has a profound impact on search engine optimisation (SEO), which means that your voice search friendliness affects your ranking and changes your current digital marketing strategy. 
To that end, here are some tips on how you can boost your visibility and optimise your site for voice-activated devices:

Tip #1: Use Natural Language Instead of Keywords

Keywords were created due to consumer behaviour regarding how they search for information online. Typically, using search engines meant that you have to shorten down the question to its primary points when typing it into a search box. 
However, that isn’t the case when you talk. The way people communicate reflects your speech pattern, which means that consumers are likely to use conversational phrases instead of keywords. For that reason, you can optimize your voice search by focusing on long-tailed keywords, which are more in line with how consumers ask questions regarding your products or services. 
For example, instead of using keywords such as “best restaurants” and “location,” voice searchers will prefer to say, “What is the best restaurant near my location?” 

Tip #2: Put Together an FAQ

Adding FAQs to your site is an excellent way of optimising the natural language of your content. It is also the easiest way to fool-proof your ranking for voice search as the question, and answer format reflects the seller-user conversations in real life. 
You can gather your FAQ by going through your emails or customer calls. By having an overview of the most asked questions about your product or services, you can enhance your customer experience as consumers can use this as a point of reference for their search. 

Tip #3: Leverage Existing Data

You can take your voice search optimisation up a notch by studying what your consumers are already searching for through your website traffic analytics. While adding common long-tailed phrases are vital, supplementing your keywords with on-site searches will help fortify your voice search strategy. 
Voice search technology continues to grow, and its importance in business will only become more of a necessity in their overall digital marketing plan. It’s an excellent way to drive traffic to your site and improve customer experience, which is why knowing up to optimize your voice search is crucial to get your brand to the top of search results. 
If you’re looking to incorporate voice search optimisation onto your website, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.

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