Beginners Guide to Google Ads for Ecommerce

Beginners Guide to Google Ads for Ecommerce

Google Ads for eCommerce a Beginners Guide

Google Ads is a great way to advertise your ecommerce business and drive relevant traffic to your website. If you have the budget for traditional advertising, it can be an affordable option for growing your business. The Google Ads ecosystem is a complex place with lots of moving parts. 

It will take some time to understand everything and determine which Google Ads options are suitable for your ecommerce business. However, plenty of helpful resources are available to get you up to speed as quickly as possible. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about using Google Ads for ecommerce.

Google Ads for Ecommerce: An Introduction

Google Ads are one of the world’s biggest and most commonly used advertising platforms. This means that it has a ton of potential to help grow your ecommerce business. 

Finding the right campaign(s) to execute your Google Ads for Ecommerce strategy will depend on a few things. First, you’ll need to understand how Google Ads works and the different options available to you. This will help you figure out which campaign is right for your business and how to get the most out of it. 

Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that can help you reach a broader audience and generate more revenue for your ecommerce business. But, first, you’ll need to understand how it works.

How Does Google Ads Work?

Google Ads works by showing your ads to people who are searching for products and services like yours on Google and other Google-owned platforms. 

When someone is searching for something and doesn’t have a particular brand or product in mind, Google Ads will show ads for various brands related to what they’re looking for. Google Ads is a pay-per-click advertising platform. 

When someone clicks on your ad, you’ll be charged a certain amount of money. Google Ads campaigns consist of ad groups, sets, and ads. An ad group is a container that holds similar ads. An ad set is a group of ads that share the same settings. Finally, the ad is the single unit people will see when searching for products and services.

Which Google Ads Option is Right for You?

There are a variety of different Google Ads options to choose from. Depending on your ecommerce business, you’ll want to select the ad that will work best for you. 

These include: –

Google Search Network

Google Display Network 


Gmail and Other Non-Search Networking Opportunities 

You may have noticed that each of these options has a “network” in the name. You can think of it as a way to separate each ad type. Google Search Network includes the Google Search and the Display Network. Google Display Network includes YouTube and other non-search websites that display ads from Google.

Decide on a Google Ads for Ecommerce Objectives

Before diving into the actual campaign creation process, we must first decide on your Google Ads objectives. Google Ads campaigns are built around 1 or more keywords that people might search for. These keywords can be short phrases or single words related to your product or service. There are 2 main objectives that you can select when building your campaigns: 

– Average Cost per Click (ACPC) 

– Conversions 

For each of these objectives, there are a few sub-objectives that you can also select. These sub-objectives help you further define what success looks like for your campaign.

Step 1: Define your Audience and Targeting

The first thing you’ll need to do before creating your ads is to define your audience. 

Who is your target customer? 

What keywords do they search for? 

What are their demographics? 

Answering these questions will help you create highly targeted ads that are more likely to get clicked on. You can do this by creating a Google Ads Audience and Targeting. Here are the main sections you’ll need to fill out: – Language – Location 

– Device 

– Age 

– Gender 

– Interests 

– Behaviours 

– Social 

– Other Google Ads Settings. 

You’ll also need to select your objective, sub-objectives, and bid settings. You can find a full guide on how to do this here.

Step 2: Set up your Ad(s)

Now that you’ve selected your audience, you can start to create your ad(s). You’ll first want to decide what type of ad you want to create. 

There are 2 main types of ads in Google Ads: 

– Text Ads 

– Display (Visual) Ads 

Next, you’ll want to select your ad’s format. 

There are 3 main formats: 

– Text Ads 

– Display (Visual) Ads 

– Video Ads.

Text Ads

Text Ads are the most basic type of ad you can create. They are made up of a headline, followed by a description of your product or service. You can also include a URL link in your ad as well.

Display (Visual) Ads

Display ads are a more complex ad type than text ads. They feature what are known as “images” in the ad itself. You can use these images to show your product or service or to create something visually engaging and attention-grabbing. You can also mix in text to accompany your image.

Video Ads

Video ads are an even more complex ad type than display ads. They feature a short video of your product or service, along with optional text and other information.

Step 3: Track and Monitor Your Campaign(s)

Now that you’ve created your campaign(s), you’ll want to track and monitor its performance. This will allow you to see which ads are performing best and which ones aren’t getting any click-throughs. This will also allow you to make changes and adjustments as necessary to help optimise your campaign(s) for success. There are several things you’ll want to track for your campaign(s): 

– Click-Through Rate 

– Impressions 

– Average Cost per Click (ACPC) 

– Conversions

Click-Through Rate

The click-through rate (CTR) is a metric that will tell you how often your ad is being clicked on. If the CTR is very low, it’s likely that your ad isn’t resonating with people. This means you’ll need to make some changes to improve it.


The number of impressions your ad has. This is the total number of times your ad has been shown to people. You can view this metric in the “Overview” tab of your campaign.

Click-Through Rate – Average Cost per Click (ACPC) – Conversions

These metrics will provide you with a bit more detail about your click-through rate, the average cost per click of your ad, and the number of conversions your ad has generated. You can view these metrics in the “Details” tab of your campaign.

Conclusion – Google Ads for Ecommerce a Beginners Guide

Ecommerce businesses can advertise with Google Ads and attract the right customers to their websites. If you don’t have enough money for conventional advertising, Google Ads can be an affordable way to grow your company. The Google Ads ecosystem is a complex environment with many variables. There are numerous educational resources that can help you comprehend everything as quickly as possible. 

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