Banksy vs Bristol Museum Exhibition (Part 1)

Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition

Banksy vs Bristol Museum Exhibition (Part 1)

As you can probably tell, like many I’m a big fan of Banksy’s work and have followed his progress and work over the years.
When working at a design agency just off Soho Square in Central London around 9 or so years ago I came back from a walk at lunchtime having noticed some particularly clever graffiti.
Well, clever in the fact that it actually looked like it took skill and brains to both plan and produce and wasn’t the usual scribbles or tagging. At the time this work used to appear quite often and sometimes in very unlikely places dotted around Central London.
This of course was the work of Banksy and at the time he was almost unknown but I used to keep an eye out for his work. Since then I have taken an interest in Banksy’s art and particurally the way that he used the street as a canvas and the fact that most of his work made a comment about people and society. In our over hyped, cash in, brand lead world this made a refreshing change especially when his work was not very well known.
So when I got the chance back in August 2009 I visited Bristol for the much talked about Banksy Vs Bristol Museum Exhibition.
The 3 hours of queueing to get in to this free event were very well worth it.
This was Banksy’s largest exhibition to date with over 100 pieces all cleverly mixed in with the existing displays at the Bristol Museum. It featured a range of work from sprayed canvas through to very well put together animatronic work.
Here are some of my photo’s of the exhibition, I will be posting some of the video clips and further images I took during the exhibition at a later date.:
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
Banksy Bristol Museum Exhibition
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