125 Well Designed Free Fonts for 2015

The number of well designed free fonts you can find on the internet these days is staggering. Many of them rival some paid typefaces, all though you can’t beat the classics.

Simon Beck – Snow Walker and Artist

Now we’ve all seen and heard of crop circles but snow circles is a new one on me, or to be more exact, snow patterns. Simon Beck is an artist who walks the walk, literally, and usually through a couple of feet of snow. He creates intricate and detailed patterns just by walking through the […]

A typeface alternative to Lorem Ipsum

There really aren’t many alternatives to good old Lorem Ipsum when creating design mockups without real text. That is until now, ‘Blokk’ is a typeface that acts as dummy text for design work, and it’s certainly something I’ll be using in the future.

The best record cover design of 2014

The importance and relevance of record cover design seems to have increased in recent years partly due to the new popularity of vinyl. There’s always been a solid connection between the music world and the graphic design/art world and I hope it long continues. Art Vinyl has just announced the winner and runners up of it’s ‘Best Art […]


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