Robots are coming for your job – unless you’re a designer

“While more than a third of UK workers could be replaced by robots in the next 20 years, creativity will be a prized skill, a new report says.” Source: While it might well be a ‘prized skill’ but I feel it is being slowly chipped away at by the rise of design templates, simpler […]

How design changes the way investors see your startup

A few weeks ago during a moment of self-reflection, I noticed a recurring theme throughout the top deals in our pipeline and became suddenly aware of my tendency to value startups with well-formed … Source: Goes to show the impact good design has on us all. We do all really ‘judge a book by […]

New campaign matches Tinder users with sex trafficking victims

The campaign asks users to swipe left on sex trafficking. Source: Powerful use of Tinder to highlight sex trafficking problem, clever how they’ve used it as part of the app function. Certainly memorable. Although it seems to have raised questions as to whether “it’s there’s an implication that sex trafficking is taking place on […]


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