A digital upgrade
for Rail Supply Group

Rail Supply Group
Website Design and Development

Rail Supply Group Website Design 1

The Brief

Rail Supply Group
Website Design and Development

Rail Supply Group Website Design 2

Partners of the Rail Supply Group

Part of the site was to feature all of the Rail Supply Group’s partners and 

Striking top half with 'future facing' imagery

Four main areas were established and these are shown in the colour coding, twitter feed needed to feature as well as pulling in new articles as the site was to act as a hub for news in the rail insutry.

Rail Supply Group Website Design 3

A digital upgrade for Rail Supply Group

The site needed to feature a prominent slider that had the option to download their pdf whitepaper. They also wanted to pull in and feature the colour palette throughout and have their blog articles and twitter feed displayed. We created a visually striking top half with complimentary colour coded menu to link in with the areas of ‘Supporting’, ‘Delivering’ ‘Inviting’ and ‘Compliments’.

Rail Supply Group Website Design 1


We will have a chat through your business, opportunites that are relevant and how we might be able to help. No sales pitches, pressure or nonsense just a 15 minute overview of where you are.

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