Not like other business podcasts – 4Dubz

Not like other business podcasts - 4Dubz 1
Couple of weeks back I was asked if I fancied making up the numbers on a new business podcast project called 4-Dubz headed by Neil Pie at Neil Pie PHP. Neil along with Katie Millman at Jam and Mike Morrison at Mimo Media wanted to started a podcast that discussed business in a more chit chat style.
Or as recent guest Stef Thomas at No Red Braces put it “chatting about stuff in an unstructured and occasionally rambling way”
It’s described as a weekly podcast, where the 4-Dubz team plus special guests chat issues related to business, 4Networking and anything else that pops up in the course of following the sketchy show outline.
It’s rough and ready, off the cuff, low-grade, fairly low-rent and all recorded via a Skype chat.
The first of hopefully many podcasts can now be listened to via iTunes or download and you can also subscribe to the rss feed. You can also follow 4-Dubz on Twitter. Here’s the details of the first trial episode..

Episode 0 – Barleygrass FTW (Recorded: 10/04/2011 Duration: 26.05)
In which the 4dubz team blag their way through a loose format, discussing Startup Britain, QR Codes and their general misuse, the state of fresh fruit & veg, the world record for eating unpeeled bananas and the benefits of actually leaving the house every once in a while…The sound quality is poor, but we’ll make it better as we go along.

Next weeks podcast we will have Stef Thomas at No Red Braces as the special guest discussing a different set of subjects in an equally disjointed and unstructured way. Full breakdown and details, as well as a link, will be posted here each week.

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