Blog Writing Services

Adding quality, SEO-optimised content to your blog is simple with Dot Blogger

  • Professionally Written Blogs
  • SEO Optimised Blog Articles
  • Unlimited Revisions on Your Blog Articles
  • Published on your blog for you
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Dot Blogger - SEO Blog Writing Services

TRIAL US with your first blog post FREE (worth £95+vat)

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Blog approval and unlimited revisions

We will not begin writing the blog content until you approve the blog topic. You also have unlimited revisions to ensure that the blog post is precisely what you desire.

Save time - Dot Blogger will post it for you on your WordPress site.

If you’re using WordPress, we can publish your articles directly to your site for no additional charge! We not only publish the articles, but we also format them so they look good and add an optimised royalty free picture.

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Blog Writing Services​ 3

We offer a reseller-friendly / white-label blog writing service.

When you need to communicate with leads and clients, DotGrowth’s Unified Messaging makes it simple. It puts all your messaging tools in one place. Your Unified Messaging tool integrates directly with the channels of communication your clients use most. Quickly send messages via text message, email, or Facebook Messenger. Even make outbound phone calls to your clients and leads from your DotGrowth Inbox

Experienced blog writers across different subjects, with years of experience.

Add a web chat to your website, and continue a live chat via a 2-way SMS text chat, freeing the user to leave the website but continue the conversation. SMS text has a 90% open and reply rate so can be a great way to answer questions or arrange an appointment. Automations can be added to book the appointment or take details. All conversations can be carried out via the DotGrowth system hub.

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How does it work?

  1. Submit information about your company and any other data you’d like us to know. 
  2. We will perform keyword research and blog topic creation specifically for your business and industry.
  3. We employ experienced writers to create high-quality articles. In addition to proper formatting, internal links, and external links, the content will be optimised.

Project Managment area

We use Basecamp for project managment

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Solid CRM

DotGrowth is focused on turning leads into customers. So a powerful CRM solution important. Filter by anything you can create with custom fields, tags and access them easily. Text message or email people directly from the CRM.

Drive automations via a tag system that can give you very detailed control over your triggers and automated marketing campaigns.

The CRM can manage a number of bulk actions, saving time and energy. While still having a high level of control.


Trial Plan

£ 299 +vat / Per month
  • 2 Way Texting + Email
  • Google Reviews Booster
  • Google My Business Messaging
  • Webchat for Your Website
  • Email Newsletter Marketing
  • Client Reactivation
  • Calendar Integration
  • Appt. Scheduler & Reminders
  • Dashboard
  • Unlimited Campaign
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Want to work with us?

We’re looking for a few select businesses who are ready to experience growth.
If you can answer “yes” to these questions, you could qualify:

  • Are you a small- to medium-sized firm?
  • Are you spending thousands of pounds each month on marketing without getting the quality leads you want?
  • Do you want an easier way to turn the pounds you’re spending on marketing into new customers?
  • Are you struggling to find time to follow up on the leads you have?
  • Do you want to get off the phone and have more time to focus on existing clients while still getting lots of new clients?
  • Do you want to grow your firm to a size you’ve only dreamed of?


How Blogging Can Grow Your Business: 10 Reasons Why It’s Worth It

If you’re not a natural-born writer, the idea of blogging might seem like a daunting prospect. But the truth is that blogging is an incredibly effective way to connect with your customers and grow your business. More and more businesses are using blog content as an excellent way to target potential clients where they spend most of their time? Online! In this blog post, we’ll explain exactly why blogging can grow your business and show you how to get started in


What is blogging and why is it important?

When people hear the term blogging, they often think of a website or platform where users write posts. Although that’s true, the term “blogging” is actually a lot more. 

Blogging is a powerful marketing tool that lets you connect with your audience, share your expertise, and drive traffic to your website. By taking advantage of this marketing strategy, you can significantly increase the number of people who know about your business and buy from you. If you want to grow your business, blogging is a must. Blogging is essential for a few key reasons: 

– Attract new customers: Your blog lets you tell your company’s story, sell your products and services, and show readers why they need to choose your business over the competition. 

– Build a community of loyal followers: Having a blog allows you to regularly interact with your clients, answer their questions, and address their concerns. 

  • Expand your marketing reach: Your blog posts can be shared across various social media platforms, increasing your audience exponentially.


Why Blogging Is Important for Your Business

If you’re wondering why you should invest your time and energy in blogging, we’ve got 10 good reasons. First, by blogging regularly and taking advantage of the many benefits of this marketing strategy, you’ll be able to attract new clients, grow your subscriber list, and increase sales much faster. Ready? 

Attract new customers: Your blog lets you tell your company’s story, sell your products and services, and show readers why they need to choose your business over the competition. 

Build a community of loyal followers: Having a blog allows you to regularly interact with your clients, answer their questions, and address their concerns. 

Expand your marketing reach: Your blog posts can be shared across various social media platforms, increasing your audience exponentially. 

Improve customer retention: By providing extra value to your customers, you’ll set yourself apart from the competition and retain your clients. 

Improve customer satisfaction: Happy customers tell their friends about their experiences with your business. Negative experiences, on the other hand, can lead to lost customers. 

Improve your search engine optimisation (SEO): Search engines like Google love blogs because they are constantly being updated with fresh content that is relevant to your target market. 

Improve your website traffic: The more engagement your blog posts receive, the higher your website traffic will be. This can lead to more leads and sales for your business. 

Increase website conversion rates: Readers who find valuable content on your blog are more likely to purchase your products or services. 

Enhance your brand image: Your blog directly reflects your business. Investing in the content you produce on your blog shows your clients you care about quality. 

Expand your network: Blogging allows you to connect with other industry experts and learn from one another.


Build trust with your audience

If you want to attract new customers, you need to build trust with your audience first. When people come across your blog for the first time, they’re naturally sceptical about your products or services. That’s why building trust with your readers is vital to turn those potential clients into paying customers. There are a few simple ways you can build trust with your audience by blogging. 

Be transparent: This goes a long way to building trust with your readers. Let your readers know who you are, your business goals, and what value you can provide them with your blog posts. 

Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to blogging. If you promise your readers you’ll publish a post weekly, make sure you follow through. 

Offer value: Give your readers something they can’t find anywhere else. This could be anything from expert advice to valuable tips and tricks.


Establish yourself as an expert

If you want to connect with your audience and become an expert in your field, you need to start blogging now. By publishing posts regularly, you can show your readers that you’re an expert in your industry and that you’re willing to help them solve their problems. You’re essentially building your own mini-library of content when you publish blog posts regularly and use them to showcase your expertise. 

This library can be used to address the most common questions your clients are asking, which can ultimately save you time and money. In addition, by establishing yourself as an expert in your industry, you can attract new clients, increase your brand awareness, and position yourself as a thought leader in your field. And who doesn’t want that?


Networking opportunity

Blogging is a networking opportunity like no other. You can use your blog posts to network with other industry experts, establish connections with other bloggers who write about similar topics, and even connect with companies looking to promote their products or services. 

If you’re wondering how blogging can help you network with other people, the first thing you need to do is create an author profile. An author profile is where you provide information about yourself, including your education and experience, and connect with other bloggers through social media. 

By networking with others, you open yourself up to new opportunities to help you grow your business. You can network with other bloggers to collaborate on posts, ask for advice on improving your blog content, and exchange links so you can help each other grow your traffic.


Increase website traffic and lead generation

When visitors come to your website, they are either searching for something they want to buy or they’re looking for information they need. If they can’t find what they’re looking for on your website, they’ll probably leave and go to another site. 

This means you’ve lost a potential sale, and it also means that potential customers aren’t becoming leads. By writing blog posts that address the most common questions your clients are asking, you can drive more traffic to your website and earn more leads. Keep in mind that website traffic is not the same as website conversions. In fact, many website visitors aren’t ready to buy from you yet. 

That’s why it’s important to use blogging as a way to convert your readers into leads. The easiest way to do this is to add a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of each blog post. You can use your CTA to prompt your readers to take action, such as clicking a link to download a free guide, signing up for your email list, or even making a purchase.


Grow your email subscriber list

A thriving email list is one of the best ways to build a successful business. But how do you grow your email list? The easiest way to do this is by publishing valuable blog posts that prompt your readers to subscribe to your list. 

To grow your email list, you should include an eye-catching call-to-action at the end of each blog post and invite your readers to sign up for your email list. You can use our free email list building WordPress plugin to create sign-up forms that appear at the end of each of your blog posts. Having an email list allows you to stay in touch with your readers more personally. 

Conclusion and where Dot Blogger can help.

As you can see, blogging is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. However, it’s important to note that while blogging is an excellent marketing strategy, it’s not a long-term marketing strategy. In other words, blogging should be seen as an ongoing marketing strategy, not a one-off campaign. The key to success with blogging is consistency, so make blogging an essential part of your strategy today and reap the rewards for years to come! 

Now that you understand the importance of blogging for your business, it’s time to get started! The first step is to create a blog, which can be done in a number of ways. From there, you can start to develop your blog content and, before you know it, you’ll be reaping the rewards of blogging for your business! Dot blogger can create weekly blog content around you niche and business area, get in touch today and we can get started.



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